Ski and snowboard lessons
Lessons will enhance enjoyment and increase everyone’s safety on the hill. They are highly recommended for all kinder-ski and junior members. Adults new to the alpine world are encouraged to register for our Tuesday evening sessions. MMSC lesson rates are the best in the Valley!
MMSC offers ski and snowboard lessons for adults and children. Detailed descriptions of the lesson programs are given below. Lessons will be cancelled if hill conditions are unsafe. Students or their guardians are expected to check for cancellation announcements that will be posted on the website and on our Facebook page.
MMSC season passholders: 4 week / 1 hour lesson program is $80
Non-passholders: 4 week /1 hour lesson program is $200
Private & Semi-Private Lessons: Member $30/hour, Non-member $50/hour (plus lift pass). Contact mmsclessons@gmail.com for more information.
Season pass holders may register for lessons starting November 1, 2024. We are committed to ensuring our members can have a spot in our lesson program. Non-members who are looking for lessons may contact our lesson coordinator after December 16, 2024. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a lesson spot for non-members. Contact Laura at mmsclessons@gmail.com with any questions.
Lessons will begin early January, 2024 (weather dependent). Students will be contacted via email before their first lesson.
Snow Marten | Arctic Fox | Arctic Wolf | Polar Bear | |
Ability | Beginner | Beginner-Intermediate | Advanced-Intermediate | Advanced |
Description | Parent & Child program-Designed to help parents/caregiver learn skills to assist child safely down the hill. **ADULT MUST TAKE PART IN CLASS** -adult skier need basic skills (ability to stop, snowplow, use T-Bar) | Student can: walk around in boots -slide around on skis on flat surface without help-understands snowplow-needs minimal hands-on from instructor-ride T-bar beside another skier/ is close to being able to ride T-bar solo (hugging acceptable) Program is designed to: Learn to ski safely, promote independence on the hill. Build confidence. Improve skills. Guided discovery on various terrains at the hill. | Student can: controlled turns in snowplow-snowplow stop-ride T-bar solo or with someone of equal or greater ability Program is designed to: Promote safe, independant skiing. Improve technical skill set. Learn how to ski different conditions, terrains. | Student can: close to/can ski parallel-hockey stop-ride T-bar solo, comfortable enough to help a younger skier Program is designed to: Enhance skiing skills and technique. Use ski poles effectively for turns. Learn how to ski more technical and freestyle terrain. Learn how to navigate steep conditions. |
Teen skills improvement | Adult/Teen | Snowboard | Private | |
Age | 12+ | 14+ | 6+ | All ages |
Ability | Advanced | Beginner to Advanced | Beginner to Advanced | |
Description | Student can:-ski parallel-no issues with T-bar (could help a snowboarder)-looking to hone skills to be able to instruct or interested in ski patrol | Lesson based on needs of students | Lesson based on needs of students | -looking for refresher on techniques-visitors to town (i.e. grandchildren) Only available by emailing mmsclessons@gmail.com |
What Level is Right for me?
Do you require an adult/helper to ski with you? You are a Snow Marten (Beginner).
Never skied before or only a few times? You are an Arctic Fox (Beginner-Intermediate).
You have 1-2 years experience, can turn and stop and use the lift, but mostly snowplow? You are an Arctic Wolf (Advanced-Intermediate).
You have 2-5 years experience, can ski all the runs at MMSC, skis mostly parallel but don’t turn much, stop with a short-radius turn (snowplow or parallel) and want to improve? You are a Polar Bear (Advanced Junior).
You have been skiing for more than 4 years, can ski parallel nearly all the time, can do quick stops (hockey stop) and are looking to become a technically better skier. You are Teen Skills Improvement.