Closed Friday and Saturday

Due to extreme cold temperatures, and for the safety of members, ski patrollers and our lift operators, we will be closed Friday evening and Saturday. We plan to re open Sunday, with extended hours 11-4. As well, the groomer is getting some needed repairs this week.  The hill remains ungroomed, with awesome snow conditions, and some …

Closed Friday and Saturday Read More »

Open This Weekend!

We will be open Saturday, January 7th from 10am-4pm and Sunday, January 8th from 1-4pm.

Open Thursday

We will be open Thursday, December 29th from 1-4pm. We will reassess the hill at the end of the day to determine if we are able to remain open throughout the weekend.

Saturday, March 19

Dana will be at the hill today from 11-1 if anyone would like to settle up their account or purchase a hoodie.

currently Closed

The warm daytime temps continue to cause water pooling at the bottom of the lift. We will need to stay closed the next couple days. Colder weather and fresh snow Friday overnight might allow us to open Saturday at 1. Check back for updates.

closed tuesday, March 8

The hill is still recovering from the large amount of rain that pooled at the base of the hill on Sunday. We are hoping to be open Thursday after a couple of days of colder temperatures.